christopher russell
new york, new york, USa
Since my studio is closed and I can’t work in ceramics at home, I have returned to drawing. When it dawned on me that we were really going to be stuck inside for weeks, I got a pile of paper (I would soon be ordering more online-- and now I have to do it again!) I felt free when I began, I just wanted to take advantage of this hiatus. That there was no sense at all of how long the lockdown would be, which I had no control over, it gave time a sense of infinity: I could do anything. So I just started making drawings-- abstract, intuitive, mixed media. They changed everyday, and I just let them.
But the mood of the project is shifting now. Whereas at first my intention was to take advantage of this free time, as I’ve become more restless and more anxious to return to the studio, my drawing project is increasingly something that is helping me get through this tunnel of time, giving me something that makes me feel productive, or at least occupied. I think without it I would have felt this anxious and unproductive long before now!
I would like to finish this time with a portfolio of 12 to 15 cohesive drawings that would give the project a final shape. I want it to say “Coronavirus Drawings,” in gold serif type, on the cover.