BIO: artist’s name

In 2005, in the middle of a ceramic hand-building class at Oakland Community College, I had what can only be described as a visionary experience while in the presence of a hand-coiled, un-smoothed teapot that a classmate had created. When I saw it, my head was immediately filled with images of coils and the infinite potential in the various patterns and forms I saw. This kind of thing is not normal to me. I knew I would be dedicating my life to coiling. A housepainter by trade, my mind and body were already in tune with processes that others might consider tedious, repetitive or mundane.

I’m best known for fusing wiggly coils of clay to rigid box-like forms. And for being the Ceramics Technician in the Ceramics Department at Santa Fe Community College, in Santa Fe, NM. However, I may yet become best known as the inventor of Geltron 3000, the world’s first 3D printing robot.